20 May 2024
by Alex Brinded

UV tagging launched for UK recycling centres

M&S retailer joins the Ecotrace programme to better understand how single-use plastics are recycled at UK recycling centres.

© nareeta martin/ unsplash

M&S is introducing the Polytag technology on mainly food products to identify how much, when and where their branded single-use plastic is recycled in UK recycling centres.

The Ecotrace programme from the product tracking company Polytag is a coalition of major FMCG brands and businesses to change the way single-use plastic is recycled in the UK.

UV-detection equipment will be deployed into recycling centres, with the highest volume sites being prioritised to optimise coverage with minimal investment.

Polytag says this network of UV tag detection equipment across the UK's largest 12 recycling centres secures 50% coverage of the total domestic recycling throughput. If it is feasible to create a network across 40+ UK sites, the programme can achieve over 90% coverage. 

The collaboration will allow brands to access new data regarding recycling rates of their packaging in real-time at barcode level.


Alex Brinded

Staff Writer