11 March 2022

Unpack the UK Plastic Packaging Tax

The Sustainable Materials Innovation (SMI) Hub is offering support to small local businesses in Greater Manchester to navigate the upcoming UK Plastic Packaging Tax.

The UK Government Plastic Packaging Tax comes into force on 1 April 2022, aiming to incentivise the use of recycled material in the production of plastic packaging. This new law will apply to many smaller local manufacturers and importers of packaging (complete or components) that have never complied with similar laws in the past.

The Unpack the Tax project aims to help businesses:

  • Navigate a complicated set of guidelines
  • Use the guidelines to provide advice about any need to comply with the regulations
  • Understand what packaging might be in scope for registration and reporting
  • Understand whether you need to report directly/ask your suppliers/inform your customers
  • Explore where it’s possible to improve sustainability and avoid unintended consequences while complying with the tax.

Companies will have the opportunity to hear about challenges other SMEs are having in this area, with the potential to share tips and learn about how to be a more sustainable business while engaging their supply chain.

Depending on eligibility, firms will be invited to an initial consultation with one of the team to understand their plastic packaging challenges, if they qualify for the tax, and to explore how to comply with the tax.

Following this initial consultation, the Hub will analyse responses from all SMEs signed up for common issues and to highlight where assistance, further research or clarification is required:

  • The SMI Hub will use its polymer and materials expertise, research and scientific literature to understand the potential solutions to challenges
  • The SMI Hub will feedback to HMRC some of the common challenges facing SMEs and facilitate introductions if clarifications are required
  • Debunk common misconceptions or myths about using more recycled content.

At the end of the project, participants will be invited to join a workshop, where the SMI Hub will share outcomes from the analysis and research addressing key areas of concern and challenges to better prepare for the tax.

There may also be the opportunity for further collaboration on a more bespoke project related to plastic packaging innovation following Unpack the Tax.

Register your interest here. 

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