10 February 2023
by Sarah Morgan

UK Environment Agency publishes guidance on ‘blue’ hydrogen

The Environment Agency has published regulatory guidance on the production of hydrogen from methane with carbon capture, otherwise known as ‘blue’ hydrogen.

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The guidance will help businesses design and develop industrial facilities to produce ‘blue’ hydrogen, a low-carbon energy carrier.The Agency has worked in consultation with industry, other UK regulators and academia to develop this guidance.

‘Blue’ hydrogen typically refers to hydrogen which has been made using methane or other carbon-based gases. The carbon dioxide produced is then captured ready for long-term geological storage.

Operators wishing to produce ‘blue’ hydrogen in England will need an environmental permit from the Environment Agency.

Clare Jackson, Chief Executive at Hydrogen UK, says 'We are thrilled to have supported the Environment Agency to produce this guidance, which will help get hydrogen projects off the ground and ultimately deliver on the UK’s climate targets.'

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