2 October 2024
by Kovida Mehra

South East Plastics and Rubber Group dissolves after nearly 50 years

The SEPRG was officially dissolved during a ceremony in London after 48 years of activity.

The South East Plastics and Rubber Group (SEPRG) was established to represent the interests of the polymer community, including scientists, designers, processors, academics, and industrialists. 

Last month, the SEPRG was dissolved due to declining membership. On 24 September, CEO Colin Church CEnv FIMMM received the Chain from the current Chairman, Richard Skipper CEng FIMMM, with six former chairpersons in attendance at the IOM3 London office.

At its peak in the early 1990s, the Group had around 1500 members. However by the early 2000s, this had dropped to about 650. By 2010, as the industry shifted away from the Southeast, membership had further declined to around 100, with low attendance at meetings and functions.

The funds from this Group will be transferred to the Member’s Benevolent Trust.

The South East Plastics and Rubber Group was part of the IOM3 Local Socities. 

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Find out more about the history of the SEPRG


Kovida Mehra