1 June 2023
by Sarah Morgan

Shared understanding to move towards a circular built environment

The report, Our Shared Understanding: a circular economy in the built environment, has just been published and unites the industry for a sustainable future.

© Our Shared Understanding

With contributions from over 100 industry leaders from across more than 80 organisations, Our Shared Understanding sets out why all sectors and disciplines must work together to enable a circular economy in the built environment.

This global effort is in recognition that we will not stop exceeding the limits of our finite planet without a common goal and coordinated action.

Our Shared Understanding brings together thinking from both the circular economy and built environment communities to identify the core concepts that will guide the transition to a circular economy.

It calls for collective action to put circular principles at the heart of how we design, manage, build and use our existing buildings and infrastructure.

This will have a significant impact on addressing our global systemic challenges, such as achieving net-zero emissions, providing climate resilience, protecting biodiversity, and enabling social equity. 

IOM3 is supporting this campaign. Colin Church FIMMM, CEO of IOM3, says, “Construction accounts for a significant proportion of materials use and greenhouse gas emissions. Moving to a more circular construction system is essential if we are to meet our challenges. IOM3 was therefore very happy to contribute to this document and we welcome its publication, setting out an overall manifesto for more circular construction globally.”

Read Our Shared Understanding here  

Join the conversation on social media: #OurSharedUnderstanding #CircularBuiltEnvironment

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