Science and Technology of Welding and Joining Vol. 30, No. 1, released
Porosity formation, microstructure–toughness and intermetallic compounds are among the topics discussed in this latest issue.

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Microstructural evolution and mechanical behaviour of laser welding Ti6Al4V fabricated by laser powder bed fusion and direct energy deposition
Linkuo Wu, Ruizu Liu, Leilei Wang, Xiaohong Zhan, Zhimin Wang
pp. 3–13
DOI: 10.1177/13621718241300817
Evaluating porosity formation in gas metal arc directed energy deposition of an aluminium alloy
Prashant K. Chaurasia, Birendra K. Barik, Atanu Das, Amitava De
pp. 14–24
DOI: 10.1177/13621718241298851
Solidification and solid-state phenomena during keyhole-gas tungsten arc welding of IN617 nickel-based superalloy
Reza Latifi, Masoud Vatan Ara, Morteza Yazdizadeh, Majid Pouranvari
pp. 25–33
DOI: 10.1177/13621718241301871
Probing the synergistic effect Ni and Mo contents on microstructure–toughness relationship in super-high strength steel weld metals
Libo Wang, Yishan Jiang, Xiangliang Wan, Ming Zhong, Chengyi Zhu, Guangqiang Li
pp. 34–45
DOI: 10.1177/13621718241306197
Hf-doped amorphous filler metal towards high-performance TC4/SS316L brazed joints
Aqsa Bano, Peng Li, Zhiwei Qin, Zhenyang Zhang, Wenqian Han, Xin Jiang, Honggang Dong
pp. 46–54
DOI: 10.1177/13621718241306203
Improvement of mechanical properties of DP780 steel/6061 aluminum alloy lap welded joint by introducing laser-modified Zn interlayer
Dan Wang, Shuai Zhang, Zhiming Yu, Hongliang Li, Xinyi Zhao, Dongdong Zhuang, Nan Xu, Jun Shen, Yijiang Wen, Hanhua Xu, Nan Yao
pp. 55–65
DOI: 10.1177/13621718241308533
Evolution of grain structure, intermetallic compound and mechanical properties of AA6061-T6 Al/C11000 Cu dissimilar joints fabricated by friction stir welding
Yue Mao, Xuan Xiao, Li Fu
pp. 66–77
DOI: 10.1177/13621718241306283
Influence of Y2O3 on microstructure and properties of 800 MPa high-strength steel weld metal
Tianli Zhang, Jian Guan, Lianyong Xu, Donghai Hu, Geng Chen, Shanshan Wang, Hodúlová Erika
pp. 78–86
DOI: 10.1177/13621718241306285