10 June 2024
by Kovida Mehra

Participate in the 2024 Member Survey

The 2024 Member Survey is now open for members to share their feedback till 31 July

The 2024 IOM3 Member Survey is now open. We are inviting all members to offer their insight on how we can support professionals in materials, minerals, and mining in their journey.

If you're a member you would have received an invitation by email to fill the survey, or log in to see a pop-up link to the survey. Please take a few minutes to complete the form, and help us improve our services to members.

The feedback you provide to us through this survey is anonymous and is not connected to your membership record with IOM3. As a result, the first part of the survey contains a number of personal questions, while the second focusses on the service we provide. We are asking you these questions in order to carry out a detailed analysis of what activity is important to different groups of people across our membership.

The deadline to complete the survey is 31 July.

If you need any further help, please get in touch with us via [email protected].


Kovida Mehra