12 February 2022

Original steelwork stripped from Dounreay’s Material Test Reactor

Dounreay’s Material Test Reactor became Scotland’s first operating reactor when it achieved criticality in 1958, now it’s being dismantled.


John at the English-language Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

© John

The reactor was used for irradiation tests on materials until its shutdown in 1969. In 2018 a contract was awarded to Cavendish Nuclear Limited to dismantle and demolish the reactor. The fuel, heavy-water coolant and some redundant plant have been removed, leaving the reactor vessel, supports and containment shell ready for final demolition.

Work is currently focused on the fuel element storage block (FESB), where irradiated fuel was stored after its removal from the reactor. The 8.9 tonne lid, known as the top plate, mezzanine floor and steel beams surrounding the top of the 5m tall FESB have now all been removed.

This is the first time that the top plate has been lifted since the early 1970s. Using the waste hierarchy, efforts are being made to maximise materials for recycling and identify options for sentencing the metal as low level waste.

The next phase of work, to surround the FESB with an atmosphere-controlled containment structure, is underway and will enable operators to demolish the reinforced concrete block. This is expected to be carried out using a remotely-operated demolition machine in the coming months.