Norway forced to pause deep sea mining plans
Norway has suspended plans to mine the sea bed at the bottom of the Arctic, according to media reports.

On Sunday, the leftwing environmentalist party blocked the mining plans, demanding the government scrap its first licensing round in return for support for the Budget.
The Norwegian Government had planned to offer its first exploration permits in the first half of 2025, but says prepartory work will continue, such as creating regulations and mapping the environmental impact.
In 2023, it released estimates of substantial accumulations of metals and minerals, from copper to rare earth elements. Three domestic start-ups had previously declared their interest in bidding for licenses.
Reuters reports that the plans are being opposed by a coalition of 32 countries - including Brazil, Canada, Germany and France - and environmentalists.
The WWF is currently in a court battle with the Norwegian Government, accusing it of 'failing to comply with assessment requirements of the Seabed Minerals Act, if they do not reverse their decision to open areas to deep seabed mining'. The case is set to conclude on 5 December.