25 May 2023

New online resource for surface engineering & coatings sector

The Surface Engineering Leadership Forum (SELF) launches new online resource providing details of relevant organisations, training information and events.


If you are involved in the surface engineering and coatings sector, you may be aware of SELF, a UK-run global resource network. The network is the first collaborative space for all major UK industrial trade associations, academics and research and technology organisations dealing with surface engineering and advanced coatings.

Analysis has shown that across the sector, the goods and products created and used downstream are worth more than £140bln to the UK economy. Surface engineering and coatings are rapidly becoming a standalone industry and an essential part of modern, high productivity, integrated manufacturing and design.

As a not-for-profit group, SELF can reach out to more than 100,000 members through the organisations that make up the forum of which IOM3 is one. The IOM3 Surface Technologies Group (STG) has close links with SELF, with Professor Ping Xiao and Saqlain Ali (Chair and Member of the STG Leadership Team respectively) sitting on the SELF Management Team. SELF is currently planning webinars for later in the year with details available on their website in the coming weeks.

SELF news will also be posted via the deciated LinkedIn page or Twitter account. If you do have updates that you would like to share with SELF or ideas for future activity, please feel free to get in touch with the channels above.


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Surface Technologies Group

Members (832) Discussions (0)

Promoting the selection, optimisation and use of all surface related technologies, such as coatings and surface treatments, to maximise component and system performance


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