12 July 2023

National Environmental Services Survey unveils materials, mineral & mining insights

A study of the nation's environmental concerns has been released covering materials, minerals, mining and associated technical disciplines.

The National Environmental Services Survey was conducted in collaboration with experts and stakeholders from across the country. Among the key findings, it is revealed that only 11% of environmental professionals believe that the Government will meet its goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. This insight sheds light on the urgent need for accelerated action and collaborative efforts to combat climate change.

The survey highlights greenwashing as the aspect most environmental professionals would like to change within the sector. This finding reinforce the importance of transparency and genuine sustainability efforts to build trust and create lasting environmental impact.  Furthermore, for the second consecutive year, the survey's outcomes emphasise the need for effective communication and public engagement to shape positive narratives surrounding environmental initiatives.

Encouragingly, 80% of organisations surveyed either have or plan to implement a net-zero strategy. This demonstrates a widespread commitment to tackling the climate crisis and transitioning towards a greener, more sustainable future.

IOM3 invites environmental professionals, stakeholders, and the wider community to actively engage with the survey results at the Environmental Services & Solutions Expo 13-14 September at the NEC in Birmingham. The event will provide a platform for like-minded individuals to connect, share best practices, and collectively shape the future of environmental services.

IOM3 will be hosting a panel discussion on packaging and extended producer responsibility during day 1 of the conference at 13:00. As well as welcoming questions during the session, panelists would welcome hearing your thoughts afterwards to discuss the points raised in further detail.

By leveraging the insights and knowledge gained from the National Environmental Services Survey, we can foster discussions, facilitate collaboration, and take significant strides toward achieving a greener, sustainable future.

Read the National Environmental Services Survey report here.

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