Modular laundry system to phase out single-use PPE
Revolution-Zero, UK, has introduced a novel laundry system that could phase out single-use personal protective equipment (PPE).

Current reusable PPE processes use centralised factories, increasing carbon costs and time. The modular laundry system is mobile and can be built onsite within three months and connected to services within three days.
The system also uses advanced IT systems for tracking, training, quality assurance and reporting of costs and environmental impact. The washing and drying machines use the Swedish company Electrolux Professional’s design and are 100% electric, with the dryers being heat-pump units.
St Michael’s Hospital, Cornwall, UK is the first to process its reusable facemasks, surgical gowns, operating theatre drapes and other PPE items through the new laundry system. The surgical gowns and operating theatre drapes are designed and certified for 75 reuse cycles.
Revolution-Zero hope low and middle income countries would also benefit from the system. ‘We can take the learning from our projects to implement highly effective and relatively low-cost solutions in those global areas that need it most.’ says Dr Tom Dawson, founder of Revolution-Zero and Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Exeter Business School.
The project was funded through private investment and a Small Business Research Innovation contract.