16 November 2020


This week marks LGBTQ+ in STEM day taking place on 18 November 2020.

The date is symbolic of the 60th anniversary of American Astronomer and gay activist Frank Kameny’s US Supreme Court fight against workplace discrimination. IOM3 is here to champion LGBTQ+ scientists & engineers from around the world. 

To celebrate, why not catch our IOM3 Pride Presents - No Sexuality Please, we're Scientists on demand webinar delivered by Dr Ben Britton CEng CSci FIMMM focused on the importance of enabling humans to bring their whole selves to work, and how this promotes diversity that further encourages a proactive and productive working environment.


IOM3Pride is a voluntary committee of IOM3 whose goal is to achieve equality of opportunity professionally for LGBT+ identifying IOM3 members. We aim to do this by highlighting issues related to LGBT+ individuals in materials, minerals and mining and supporting equality, diversity and inclusion within the wider STEM community.

You can read our Get Talking piece by IOM3Pride Chair Emily Radley, Chemist & Materials Engineer, as she discusses data disparity within STEM and the effects it has on its LGBT+ workers.


IOM3Pride Group

Members (88) Discussions (0)

Raising awareness and supporting equality of opportunity for LGBT+ identifying IOM3 members.