8 January 2025

IOM3 welcomes new President

Christine Blackmore BSc MSc CEnv CSci FIMMM began her term as President of IOM3 on 1 January 2025.

Christine has worked as a geo-environmentalist and Environmental Auditor for over 25 years in the international mining and metallurgical industry. Her expertise is in environmental due diligence, environmental management and environmental auditing to international best practices and client compliance. In her career, she has worked in many challenging environments from the Arctic to desert conditions, allowing her to experience and enjoy different cultures and traditions. While she is semi-retired, she continues to undertake independent consultancy work.

Christine has been a member of IOM3 for nearly 30 years and has been affiliated with the Institute in several ways. Since 2016, she has been the Chair of the Mining Technology Board (MTD). Before this, she was the first woman President of the Western Institute of Mining and Minerals (WIMM) for 5 years and Honorary Secretary for another 6 years. During her tenure, she worked to strengthen WIMM, helping it grow into a thriving local society before handing over the reins. Following this, she was the Chair of the IOM3 Mining Technology Division (MTD) for six years, leading it from strength to strength, achieving notable successes and embracing various challenges.

Christine thanks two people who were very significant to her along the way: Dr Chris Broadbent and EURING Ian Bowbrick CEng CEnv FIMMM FRSA for their unwavering faith and invaluable support. 

Christine says, 'Becoming President of IOM3 is undoubtedly the pinnacle of my career, and I am deeply honoured to have achieved this role. Supporting local societies throughout the IOM3 spectrum will be one of my main priorities as I start my presidency. They make up the foundation of IOM3, and I'm determined to support their efforts to draw in new members. Virtual meetings are a great technological improvement, yet I believe face-to-face interactions remain invaluable. Networking opportunities are crucial for fostering a sense of community, and we must ensure these occasions are not overlooked.

Another important goal is to inspire young people to participate in the materials cycle. The development of new materials is critical for future progress. The metals we mine today differ significantly from those of the past, and the opportunities within the mining and materials sectors have evolved. From innovative developments to novel applications, the field is full of exciting prospects. I am eager for IOM3 to play a key role in this evolution by organising events and publishing relevant resources.

My third goal is to uphold the high standards, policies, and commitment to diversity that are central to IOM3. I intend to adopt an open-door policy throughout my Presidency, ensuring I can provide support and guidance wherever it is needed.'

We look forward to welcoming Christine and hearing from her at the Presidential Address on 20 February 2025 as she shares her wealth of experience and vision for her term.

We are also grateful to Dr Kate Thornton CEng CSci FIMMM for her contributions as President between 2023 and 2025, and look forward to continuing working with her as she assumes the role of Executive Board Chair.

Kate says, 'It has been an honour to be President of the IOM3 since 2022 and it is now time to hand over to Christine Blackmore, who I wish every success for her time in office. I would like to thank my fellow trustees and all the members, volunteers and staff of IOM3. You all make the IOM3 a unique professional engineering institution and one that I am proud to be associated with, so thank you!'

Presidential Address 2025

Christine Blackmore CEnv CSci FIMMM gives her Presidential Address. All welcome!
