IOM3 membership grade changes
Following the positive vote by members approving changes in the Bye-laws at the 2021 AGM, amendments to the IOM3 grade structure have now been agreed.

The current membership structure was introduced in 1997 to map onto the formation stages leading to professional engineering registration through the Engineering Council SARTOR 3 system, which has long since been defunct.
In addition, the technical outreach of IOM3 has expanded considerably and our membership now includes professionals who align themselves as scientists, environmentalists, technologists and engineers. IOM3 needs a membership grade structure which meets their professional aspirations.
The most obvious change that some members will notice is that their grade of membership will change, including the postnominal letters they are entitled to use. Further details on the new grade structure and a series of Q&A's addressing specific aspects of the changes can be found published in the September issue of our member magazine Materials World and online.
A series of questions and answers has been prepared to brief you on changes to your membership.