11 September 2024
by Kovida Mehra

IOM3 hosts AGM 2024

The 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining, held on 10 September, is now available to watch on-demand.

IOM3 hosted its 2024 Annual General Meeting on 10 September at 297 Euston Road, London and online. In attendance were 22 members in person and 72 online, facilitated by the state of the art AV system in the Bessemer Suite.  

IOM3 President, Dr Kate Thornton CEng CSci FIMMM, chaired the AGM and opened the meeting by welcoming all members present, both in person and virtually,  and highlighting the achievements of the past year. 

This was followed by presentations from CEO Dr Colin Church FIMMM CEnv on the emerging importance of policy and influence within IOM3, and a developing membership strategy. Honorary Treasurer Tom Hill MIMMM and Chair of the Audit Committee Dr Rachael Ambury CEng CSci FIMMM then provided an overview of the 2023 Financial Statements and the Audit Committee’s findings. The session concluded with an engaging question and answer session, with enthusiastic participation from members.

We would like to thank IOM3 members for participating in the AGM 2024 and contributing their views to support the future of the Institute.  

The recording of the AGM is now available to watch online.


Kovida Mehra