5 June 2020

IOM3 commits to science-based targets to achieve net-zero

Today, on World Environment Day, IOM3 is announcing its science-based decarbonisation target on the journey to net-zero by 2050

The transition to a low-carbon economy is under way and accelerating globally. As set out in its recent strategy, IOM3 and its members have a vital role to play in getting there.

This is why in March this year, IOM3 became a founding signatory of the Pledge to Net Zero campaign led by the Society for the Environment.

By 2030, IOM3 will reduce the emissions it directly controls (its combined Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions) by almost 60% compared to 2019, down to 70 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) from the current level of 170tCO2e.

In addition, we have set ourselves an indicative target for our wider (Scope 3) emissions based on available information of approximately 92tCO2e in 2030, down from approximately 171tCO2e in 2019. However, as we have had to estimate much of the data necessary for setting this target, this is subject to further refinement.

The targets set out are in line with the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement sets out a global framework to avoid dangerous climate change by limiting global warming to well below 2°C and pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5°C.

IOM3 CEO Colin Church says, ‘Professionals in materials, minerals and mining have key roles to play in the transition to a low-carbon, resource-efficient society and IOM3 is here to support them in that. It is therefore important to us that we do what we can with our own operations to ‘walk the talk’. We all have a role to play in protecting our environment, and professional bodies and their members must set a clear and positive example.’

IOM3 has already started to put in place measures to bring its emissions down. These include introducing food waste recycling, upgrading our heating boilers in London to modern, more efficient models and starting the process of switching over to LED lighting. Going forward, we will implement and develop further plans including:

  • Upgrading our air conditioning units with new energy efficient ones
  • Further reducing the amount of waste we generate but do not recycle
  • Completing the change to energy-efficient lighting
  • Reducing the amount of business and commuter travel and where possible shift it to lower carbon forms of transport
  • Developing and implementing a sustainable events management approach for internal and external events
  • Working with suppliers to provide more sustainable products and services
  • Looking actively at options around greener energy

To find out more, visit www.pledgetonetzero.org

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