IOM3 appoints new Awards Committee member
Dr David Jesson CEng CSci FIMMM will join the IOM3 Awards Committee from 1 November 2023.
Dr Jesson is a Materials Scientist and Engineer by profession. Following a PhD studying nanocomposite materials, he worked at the University of Surrey as a Research Fellow, where his duties included managing the Mechanical Testing Facility.
He has published research on composite materials, the sustainable use of materials, and on the degradation of materials and asset integrity. In 2021 he made the transition from academia to consultancy, joining the Materials Performance Group of Frazer-Nash Consultancy.
Dr Jesson’s association with the Institute started when he joined the Institute of Materials as an undergraduate. He became a member in 2011, whilst registering as both CEng and CSci. This was followed by election to Fellow in 2015. Over 20 years he has volunteered in various roles, including scrutineer for membership, fellowship, and registration, helping to run the West Surrey Materials Society, and sitting on the committee of the Sustainable Development Group and the Membership Committee.
Dr Jesson responded to the appointment saying ‘I’m absolutely delighted to be appointed to the Awards Committee. It’s a great honour, and I hope to bring the experience generated over my career as a researcher, tempered by the insights that come from engineering consultancy, to what I’m sure will include some very difficult decisions. I also hope I’ll be able to follow the example of the late, great Ian Bowbrick, and make suggestions to improve the processes of the Awards Committee and its function within IOM3, whilst also recognising the bits that are working well and should be left well alone’.