Innovate UK announce latest round of Faraday Battery Challenge
Round five of competition has £25mln fund available.

The Faraday Battery Challenge Round 5 Innovation Competition will open on 23 May 2022 and boasts a £25mln innovation fund (subject to business case approval).
The competition, facilitated by Innovate UK KTN, is looking for a variety of projects across the propulsion battery value chain and different battery technologies.
It is split into two strands:
- • collaborative research and development
- • feasibility studies
Following the competition’s launch, on 24 May, an online event will give an overview of the competition and will be of interest to business of all sizes (micro, SME and large), academics, RTOs and local authorities. Those with an interest in the development of battery-related opportunities across automotive and other transport sectors such as aerospace are also highly encouraged to attend.
To register for the event and for more details about the competition click here.