Henry Royce invites businesses to take part in sustainable materials programme
New funding award focuses on sustainable materials innovation.

The Henry Royce Institute is inviting businesses of all sizes, as well as approved public research organisations, to collaborate with it on a new initiative.
The Royce Industrial Collaboration Programme (ICP) is founded around strong technology translation ambition and a commitment to meet the net-zero challenge through sustainable materials innovation.
The Royce-IOM3 Ten Point Plan Report brings a material science dimension to the Government’s Ten Point Plan to put the UK on a path to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 - the ICP takes inspiration from this report to accelerate sustainable, commercially viable net-zero innovation in advanced materials
An award can be up to £250,000 per project (from Royce) and will cover up to 80% of the full economic cost with an expected duration of 3-5 months.
Henry Royce says, 'We are looking to fund short-term, collaborative, business-led RD&I projects which should focus on supporting new products, processes or services that represent a step change over those currently available, or propose an innovative use of existing products or processes.'
Applications must be submitted via a Royce Partner and include the use of Royce Partner capability.
The programme is open to all industry and research organisations across the UK, with a focus on businesses and research organisations unfamiliar with the capabilities across Royce.
Projects involving secondment of industry researchers to the research partner or academic personnel to the business premises are eligible and encouraged, especially where such secondments extend beyond the length of the funding period.
Potential applicants must discuss their projects with one of the Royce Research and Business Engagement team prior to applying to the scheme. Deadline is 17:00 on 26 September.