Grants to Support Knowledge Exchange - Jo Samuel Joseph Subramanian
Jo Samuel Joseph Subramanian, recipient of one of the 2023 Grants to Support Knowledge Exchange, shares his experience on the process.

I would like to start by thanking IOM3 for granting the travel funds to help me travel to the Midlands Fluid Mechanics Meeting in Birmingham.
The application process indeed was simple and easy to complete. Also, I appreciate the judging panel for deliberating on my application within few weeks from applying. This is definitely a positive and applicant-friendly move which will not only encourage more aspiring applicants like me to apply, but also assure a quick decision on their application. I’m emphasising this as any applicant would wish to be in less anticipation than to receive a delayed positive decision.
It was an amazing opportunity to attend the UK Fluids-2023 conference. This is the first UK fluids conference I attended since the start of my PhD. With my research being in the area of fluid dynamics, attending gave me a new perspective. The conference covered many interesting topics, spanning from interdisciplinary research to complex multidisciplinary studies. Above all, most of the researchers presented their work involving emerging technologies. I used the opportunity to understand their work, share my own work, suggest areas for improvement and gained insights to implement in my research.
Since my research focuses on the computational modelling of the atomization process involving multiphase flows, this conference provided a good platform to compare and contrast my research methodologies with that of other researchers' approaches. I acquired vital insights into the topic of turbulence modelling, which I can employ to optimize my model. Moreover, a novel CFD-based methodology was discussed, which has the potential to convert 2-D models into 3-D models, automate simulations, and estimate product lifespans -an innovative and out-of-the-box idea. The conference also opened the door to discussions and potential collaboration in the area of droplets, which in my research remains relatively unexplored.
In addition to this, I had the opportunity to network with many researchers and academicians who are pursuing research similar to mine. I can confidently say that the conference was definitely a valuable opportunity for networking and two-way exchange of knowledge!