Governments and industry join forces on packaging producer responsibility
The UK Government and the Devolved Administrations in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales are joining forces with three leading industry bodies to help co-design a key part of the new Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) packaging system.

A joint project will look at how producers' fees for packaging could be used to financially incentivise greater use of recyclable packaging and what higher charges could apply to producers who do not use recyclable packaging.
Phase one is looking at developing a list of packaging categories for glass, metals, paper/board, plastics and wood that covers all in-scope packaging under EPR. IOM3 is pleased to have contributed to phase 1 of this project and looks forward to continuing to work with other key stakeholders to develop an effective modulated fee system for packaging EPR. IOM3 CEO Colin Church FIMMM CEnv CRWM MCIWM says, ‘It is important to have a UK-wide system for packaging extended producer responsibility to avoid unnecessary costs to consumers, businesses and the environment, so this is an important and very welcome announcement. IOM3 looks forward to continuing to contribute, building on the extensive expertise of its packaging and materials members.'
Phases one and two will be complete by the end of April 2021.