14 November 2023
by Alex Brinded

Thermal imaging scanner to reduce foot amputations

A new thermal imaging technique could prevent 170 foot amputations a week in England.

© polarmermaid / unsplash

The new technology can accurately capture the entire surface temperature of a foot in seconds, say the National Physical Laboratory.

The laboratory believes this has the potential to reduce thousands of ulcers being missed by clinicians each year, as well as use in other medical applications.

The reduction in cost to the UK's National Health Service would also be significant, as these procedures total around £1.1bln a year.

A prototype meets UK product legislation which the medical technology spin-out, Thermology Health, will help commercialise.

The company is seeking investment and medical regulatory approval. This will allow treatment of diabeters and possible applications where inflammation, infection and blood flow are key indicators

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Alex Brinded

Staff Writer