12 September 2023
by Sarah Morgan

First UK circular supply chain for wind turbine rare-earth magnets planned

The 'Re-RE Wind' partnership seeks to establish the UK's first circular supply chain for the rare-earth magnets used in wind turbines.

© Photo by ZHANG FENGSHENG on Unsplash

Re-RE Wind is an innovative partnership between the University of Birmingham, EMR, HyProMag, the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult and Magnomatics.

This is to address the predicted 240,000t shortfall by 2040 of rare-earth magnets.

Modern wind turbines contain a wealth of materials from high-quality construction steel and copper to rare earth elements, and the wind turbine sector uses very large quantities of a rare-earth magnets made from an alloy of neodymium, iron and boron.

HyProMag’s Hydrogen Processing of Magnet Scrap technology, is a homegrown, innovative technology developed at the University of Birmingham.

This pioneering collaboration is part-funded by Innovate UK.

HyProMag Operations General Manager, Nick Mann said, 'We are thrilled about this groundbreaking project and the chance to enhance the UK's rare-earth magnet recycling supply chain.'
