Engineers 2030 launched at the Royal Academy of Engineering
IOM3 supported the Engineers 2030 initiative at the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE) on 18 March.

Engineers 2030 is a policy project from the National Engineering Policy Centre that seeks a new vision for the engineers of the future. At its launch, Paul Skerry, CEng FICE FCInstCES FIMMM, Director of Membership & Professional Standards at IOM3 joined the panel with academics and industry professionals that debated future engineering skills in the UK and the need for change in the academic curriculum in areas of sustainability, AI and digital. The event followed preparation of a reimagined degree map by the charity Engineers Without Borders (EWB), of which Skerry is a trustee, commissioned by RAE.
Led by the Royal Academy of Engineering, the National Engineering Policy Centre launched aconsultation, ‘Rethinking engineering and technology skills for a world in which both people and planet can thrive: Vision and principles’. An initiative of Engineers 2030, it seeks views from educators, practising engineers, technicians, professional bodies and other organisations and individuals to generate a common view on the way forward. IOM3 is one of the only two professional engineering institutions so far to have endorsed the Reimagined Degree map - the Institution of Mechanical Engineers is the other.
The consultation proposes a cradle-to-cradle approach in the materials cycle, which relies on materials being reused indefinitely or serving as ‘food’ for new products rather than being thrown away.
View details of the event on the RAE website
Respond to the consultation on the new Engineers 2030 project