29 February 2024

Digital tools power growth for Welsh manufacturers

Manufacturers across Wales are being offered support to access digital tools and technology advancements to sharpen their competitive edge.

Ffatri 4.0 is just one of the projects that AMRC Cymru and UWTSD have collaborated on together.  © AMRC Cymru

AMRC Cymru is partnering with the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) to bridge the gap between academia and industry.

The two organisations have already collaborated on several projects designed to accelerate the adoption of new technologies and skills, improve processes, and increase profitability.

These research projects and programmes include: MADE Cymru to upskill manufacturers across Wales; the SMART Digital Accelerator to identify new and effective digital technologies to improve profitability; and Ffatri 4.0 primarily aimed at the food and drink industry. The University has also focused on blockchain innovation, visualisation tools and cybersecurity

This new collaboration seeks to further bolster Welsh manufacturing. Richard Morgan, Head of Innovation and Engagement at UWTSD, says, 'By pooling our resources - sharing knowledge, case studies, and access to our state-of-the-art equipment - we've effectively doubled our offerings and broadened our reach across Wales.'

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