CIWM and IOM3 respond to environmental principles consultation
IOM3 has partnered with The Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CWIM) to respond to the environmental principles consultation.

The Environment Bill will create a duty on ministers across Whitehall to be guided by five environmental principles when making policy with the stated purpose of ‘protecting the environment for the next generation and demonstrating to the world that the environment is at the front and centre of the Government’s work, ahead of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26).’
The joint response sets out that while an adequate summary of the purpose of the principles is provided, the tone and approach to the application of the principles is fundamentally weak and at odds with the Government’s stated goal to be a world leader on environmental protection and the ambitions set out in the Government’s 25 Year Environment Plan.
CIWM and IOM3 believe that the draft policy statement is not sufficiently robust and does not fulfil the objectives outlined in its current form. Areas highlighted in the response that must be strengthened include:
- The opportunity is missed throughout to embed a policy-making approach that enables a positive contribution to environmental protection
- There is insufficient detail and explanation throughout including to allow policy-makers to select and apply the principles
- The definitions of the principles are simplistic and inadequate
- There are repeated caveats and provisos around proportionality that diminish and undermine the importance of the principles
To view the consultation, visit