20 February 2025

Christine Blackmore CEnv CSci FIMMM delivers IOM3 Presidential Address

On 20 February, Christine Blackmore CEnv CSci FIMMM succeeded Dr Kate Thornton CEng CSci FIMMM as IOM3 President. Watch her address in the article.

On 20 February, Christine Blackmore CEnv CSci FIMMM delivered her Presidential Address, outlining her key priorities for the Institute and its members during her term.

Christine officially took over from Dr Kate Thornton CEng CSci FIMMM, whom we sincerely thank for her dedicated leadership over the past two years.

We were delighted to have Dr Nuna Staniaszek FIMMM, founding member of the Women in Materials, Minerals & Mining (WIM3) Group and past IOM3 Director of Communications, as Master of Ceremonies for this historic occasion. This marked the first woman-to-woman presidential handover at IOM3. Christine reflected on her nearly 25-year career in mining, which has taken her across the world.

Following a warm welcome from Nuna, Kate presented the President’s Award to Dr David Wright CEng MIMMM before formally passing the Chain of Office to Christine, marking the official transition of the IOM3 Presidency.

Christine’s inaugural speech is now available to watch online. Please join us in welcoming Christine as she begins her presidency!