7 February 2024

Chile's mining industry needs 34,000 recruits over the next decade

The findings, released by the CCM-Eleva Alliance, represent the total of the country's mining regions.

© Bruna Fiscuk/unsplash

The Workforce Study of Chilean Large-scale Mining 2023-2032 describes how the workforce is evolving.

It reveals that more than 34,000 new recruits will be needed by 2032, due to those workers who are about to retire, as well as for the projects that will come into operation in key mining regions.

'This demand...reflects a growth of 36% compared to what was estimated in the previous study, which is excellent news that shows a mining industry that is growing robustly, generating jobs and local development;' says Vladimir Glasinovic, Director of the Eleva Programme (CCM-Eleva Alliance).

From this accumulated demand, 75% will be concentrated in five main profiles: mechanical maintainers, electrical maintainers, maintenance supervisors, mobile equipment operators, and fixed equipment operators.

More than 10,000 mechanical maintainers will be needed in the next 10 years, the report finds

The Alliance also reports increased participation of women in the country's mining sector, from 8% in 2018 to 15% in 2022. One-in-three hirings made by mining companies was a woman, which translates to more than 2,500 women hirings in one year.

Likewise, women have made their way into decision-making positions, increasing from 13% to 17%, with a greater increase in the positions of assistant managers/superintendents, which went from 13% to 19%, and in leadership positions, which increased from 16% to 23%.

However, the enrolment of women into mining programmes remains at 13% in both technical-professional secondary education and higher education.

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