3 July 2024
by Alex Brinded

Carbon offsets found wanting

More than 80 civil society organisations have rejected the use of carbon offsets to meet corporate climate targets.

© Luca Bravo / Unsplash

The organisations call on accounting bodies like the Science-Based Targets Initiative and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol to continue excluding offsets.

They want these bodies to stick to 'scientifically-sound methodologies for tracking corporate climate efforts'.

The joint statement underlines:

  • Carbon offsetting delays climate action
  • Offsetting inherently lacks credibility and impact
  • There are only so many ‘quality’ credits that could be used as offsets
  • The climate funding gap for the Global South will not be solved by offsetting

The organisations include Amnesty International, Center for Sustainable Economy, EnergyTag, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, Rainforest Action Network and ZERO.


Alex Brinded

Staff Writer