3 July 2024
by Tia Byer

2023 IOM3 journal impact factors released

IOM3 celebrates the latest metrics for its journals portfolio

Last month, Clarivate Analytics published its 2023 Journal Citation Report (JCR). The JCR is used by the global academic community to identify the impact and influence a journal has in its field. The Impact Factor measures the importance and influence of a journal based on the average number of citations received per paper published during the preceding two years.

Following its release, IOM3 is pleased to share some key highlights for its portfolio of journals.

Impact factors

International Materials Reviews maintained its position as the highest-ranking journal on the portfolio, with an Impact Factor (IF) of 16.8 (up from 16.1 last year).

Mining Technology experienced the most significant improvement of all, with an increase of 64%, raising its IF from 1.1 for 2022 to 1.8 for 2023. Powder Metallurgy followed closely with a 36% increase bringing its 1.4 IF for 2022 to 1.9 in 2023.


Other notable highlights included significant improvements in CiteScores. A CiteScore is calculated based on the average number of citations received per document published in a journal over a four-year period, which provides a yearly snapshot of a journal's citation impact.

In particular, Plastics, Rubber and Composites achieved a 21% increase from 3.4 for 2022 to 4.1 for 2023.

International Wood Product Journal came in second with a 20% improvement, rising from 2.0 in 2022 to 2.4 in 2023.

Immediacy indexes

Immediacy Indexes were also positive, with some excellent achievements reached for the speed of citation.

International Wood Product Journal improved its immediacy index by 200% while Applied Earth Science, Ironmaking and Steelmaking and Material Science and Technology saw increases of 100%.


Last year the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) titles received their first IF. This year, journals covered in ESCI titles received category ranks alongside those indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) and the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI).

Of these, it was encouraging to see International Wood Products Journal, rank highly in a position of 9 out of 23 in the category of Materials Science, Paper & Wood, placing it in the second quartile.

Other ESCI journals to rank include Mining Technology, Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces, Applied Earth Science, and Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy.

The results achieved for the 2023 journal metrics highlight the significant impact and influence the portfolio has within the academic community. These achievements are a testament to the high-quality research of our contributing authors and the rigorous standards upheld by our editors, boards and reviewers.

We are grateful to our publishing partner Sage for its support and assistance in overseeing the journals.

IOM3 portfolio of journals


Tia Byer

Journals Relationship Manager, IOM3