6 July 2023
by Tia Byer

2022 journal impact factors released

IOM3 celebrates the latest metrics for its portfolio

Last week, Clarivate Analytics released the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) for 2022. The JCR is used by the global academic community to identify the impact and influence a journal has in its field. The release also coincided with the announcement of the 2022 Citescores which are indexed by Scopus.

Five Institute journals listed on the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) have received an Impact Factor for the first time.

  • Applied Earth Science 1.0
  • Mining Technology 1.1
  • Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy 1.2
  • Tribology 1.3
  • International Wood Products Journal 1.1

Receiving scores one or above for the first Impact Factor is a very encouraging development for the portfolio.

Citescore results were also positive. The majority of the portfolio saw an increase in ranking, with Ironmaking & Steelmaking most notably receiving a 25% increase from 2.8 for 2021 to 3.5 for 2022. Surface Engineering came in second with an overall increase of 20%, raising from 4.5 in 2021 to 5.4 in 2022. The highest overall result was given to International Materials Review which received a Citescore of 33.1.

Immediacy Indexes improved across the board, with titles such as Material Science and Technology undergoing a 70% increase in speed of citation. IOM3 is also pleased to see that Advances in Applied Ceramics achieved tenth place in the Journal Citation Indicator for the field of materials and science.

IOM3 would like to thank each journal’s Editor, board and reviewers for their hard work. The positive results received for the 2022 journal metrics are a reflection of their commitment to the portfolio and dedication to their respective fields. IOM3 would also like to thank its publisher, Taylor & Francis, for its support and assistance in overseeing the journals.



Tia Byer

Journals Relationship Manager, IOM3