IOM3 has partnered with The Geological Society, Royal Academy of Engineering and Royal Society of Chemistry to call on government to establish a UK Materials Strategy.
Ahead of the UK general election on 4 July, IOM3 has published a summary of the plans for materials, minerals and mining set out in the Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat manifestos.
Ahead of the UK’s general election, IOM3 sets out five priorities for the next government to secure a proper focus and strategic approach to materials, minerals and mining.
IOM3 has published a policy paper setting out key actions required as the UK, and the rest of the world, transitions from energy dependency based on burning fossil fuels to low carbon energy sources.
Six organisations (CMA(UK), IOM3, IQ, MAUK, MPA and MPQC) have signed an open letter to UK university leaders setting out the essential role of materials, minerals and mining in modern society.
The Chair of the IOM3 Packaging Society, Jude Allan MIMMM, represented the Institute at The House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (EFRA) Committee evidence session in its inquiry into plastic waste. The panel included IOM3 Fellow Kevin Vyse FIMMM.
With one month until the government is due to deliver the Budget, including its spending review for the next 3 years, 42 engineering organisations including IOM3 have outlined six urgent actions.
IOM3 and the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM) have together submitted written representation on the HM Treasury Comprehensive Spending Review 2020 (CSR2020).