Active Supporter & Volunteer Hub

This toolkit provides active supporters and volunteers with relevant information and resources to support them in their role.

Our active supporters and volunteers form the backbone of IOM3. The Institute could not function or deliver to our membership without the efforts of those who freely give their time to support our activities, whether through events, committees, content generation, as technical assessors, or in a multitude of other ways. By sharing their technical and professional expertise with IOM3, our active supporters and volunteers help to deliver our charitable purposes and objectives.


Communication is the key to success in working with IOM3, so please do not hesitate to contact any member of the IOM3 team if you have a question or suggestions to how we can better serve our members.


Working with IOM3 can be rewarding in terms of sharing in our success and in the delivery of our core objectives. Hopefully, you will also learn a thing or two on your journey with us, as well as extending your professional network.



IOM3 the Basics
Strategy and business plan


Opportunities & benefits
Professional requirements & training


Inclusivity & commitment
What is expected of me?


Representing IOM3
Activity & meeting logistics


General contact details