FEMS member benefits

IOM3 is a member of the Federation of European Materials Societies (FEMS) and individual IOM3 members have the benefit of access to member-only content and discounts on event attendance at conferences organised by FEMS and FEMS Member Societies.
Visit the FEMS website member page to access:
- Discount codes for FEMS conferences and FEMS endorsed events
European Journal of Materials, a fully open access materials science and engineering journal that covers the functional and structural behaviour of materials
- FEMS EUROMAT and FEMS Junior EUROMAT programme
- Taylor & Francis Book Club discount
- Ability to add events to the FEMS website diary of events (moderated)
You will need to log in to the FEMS website to obtain these benefits.
Log in to the IOM3 site to see the details you need to access the benefits on the FEMS site.