Interested in becoming a member of IOM3?

Have a look at the different types of membership we have to offer. You can join instantly online today to get access to member benefits.
Not sure which is the right grade for you?

Use our grade finder to find the level of membership that best suits your experience and qualifications.
Types of membership
IOM3 membership grades start from Student membership, if you're just setting out on a materials or mining-related course of study, through Affiliate membership open to anyone working in a IOM3-related sectors, to professional membership grades that recognise your experience and qualifications.
Membership fees
Membership fees start from £18 a year and our entry level grade fees are £77. Our student package offers membership for the duration of your course, and beyond.
Code of conduct
Membership of a professional engineering institution like IOM3 denotes a level of responsibility to the public good and a duty to behave ethically and to abide by the IOM3 Code of Professional Conduct.