Dr Sarah Connolly CEng MIMMM
Innovation Technologist, Innovate UK
Sarah is an Innovation Technologist at Innovate UK, supporting the Foundation Industries to be sustainable and internationally competitive.
She studied her for her MEng in Materials Science at Mansfield College, Oxford and DPhil at Wolfson College, Oxford. Her research focused on novel alloy development for the Nuclear Industry working closely with Rolls Royce and the National Nuclear Laboratory.
Sarah has been in the Materials Processing Industry for the past 7 years, initially conducting research at both the University of Oxford and WMG, University of Warwick, before joining Innovate UK. In 2020, she was awarded the Frank Fitzgerald Medal and Travel Award for excellence in professional development and breadth of technical knowledge.
She has continued to be a strong supporter of Education & Skills; being an active STEM ambassador since 2012; running the Focus on Materials Science Residential Headstart Course at the University of Oxford between 2012 to 2017; being a founding member of the Making Materials Matter Outreach Project in 2017, developing the Investigating Chocolate programme; and being a Governor of a local Academy from 2020.
She continues to represent Early Career Professionals on the IOM3 Advisory Council, the Iron and Steel Board, and is the Chair of the Coventry and Warwickshire Materials Society. She has recently founded the Foundation Industries Future Leaders Group, with ED&I and the future skills requirements for the processing industries high on the agenda.
In her spare time, she is a keen runner, cyclist and baker.