Advanced Materials Processing
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The speaker is Professor Moataz Attallah who holds the chair in advanced materials processing at the University of Birmingham. Moataz' research over the past 20 years focuses on developing a metallurgical understanding of the material-process interaction in advanced manufacturing processes (additive manufacturing, powder processing, friction joining, and superplastic forming) of metallic materials, focusing on the process impact on the microstructure and structural integrity development.
At the meeting we will also celebrate the contribution made by Prof Bob Reuben, Professor Emeritus in the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences at Heriot-Watt University and past-President of the Scottish Association for Metals. Bob graduated from the University of Strathclyde with a First Class Honours Degree in Metallurgy in 1974 and has spent the last 50 years in materials engineering research and in the development of teaching of the subject. Bob will be awarded the Riley Medal, named after the first ever President of the West of Scotland Iron and Steel Institute and originally awarded to the author of the best technical paper submitted to the Institute. Inherited by the Scottish Association for Metals, the award is now made to individuals who have made a significant contribution to the discipline of engineering materials in Scotland.