MPG and Elastomer Group Joint Seminar - Elastomers in Manufacturing - Programme
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Full Programme and Registration Details updated. IOM3 CPD Approved
09:00 - Registration and coffee followed by Welcome Address
09:30 - Rubber Foundation lecture: 'Status, challenges and future requirements for a circular economy of rubber', Prof Wilma Dierkes, University of Twente
10:15 - Session 1 chaired by Prof James Busfield: Sustainability
11:10 - Break
11:30 - Session 2 chaired by Dr Gary Ogden: Future Developments and Regulatory Considerations
12:45 - Lunch and networking
14:00 - Session 3 chaired by Prof David De Focatiis: Applications 1
15:15 - Break
15:35 - Session 4 chaired by Stuart Patrick: Applications 2
16:20 - Closing remarks
16:30: Close