TWI/LMS joint event: Damascus steel in legend and reality
Add to calThe York Room, Lancaster Hall Hotel, 35 Craven Terrace, London W2 3EL
In-person and online meeting
Damascus steel in legend and reality
Given by Dr Alan Williams
September 14th at 6 pm
Refreshments from 5:30 pm
A buffet will follow the presentation
The York Room, Lancaster Hall Hotel, 35 Craven Terrace, London W2 3EL.
The hotel is five minutes walk from Lancaster Gate Underground Station
Please register for either in-person or for online attendance.
Damascus steel had a place in metallurgical history as being the best steel in the world, before the Industrial Revolution. Identifiable by its curious surface pattern, which was determined by its microstructure, it has long been the subject of envy, rivalry, many attempts at fakery, and its finding in unexpected contexts. Analysis by many metallurgists over the last 100 years, employing different techniques has answered some of the questions about its manufacture, but not all.
Our lecturer is Dr Alan Williams who is Archaeometallurgist at The Wallace Collection. Alan first graduated as a chemist, and then moved sideways into archaeometallurgy. He was a research fellow in the Engineering Department at Reading University. He is the author of the books ‘The Knight and the Blast Furnace’ and ‘The Sword and the Crucible’ and is the co-author of 2 other books, and numerous papers.