Why the Green Road Begins in the Brown Earth
Add to calRoom GC13 at the department of Metallurgy and Materials. University of Birmingham. The meeting will also be screened online using zoom.
Managing Director Strategic Materials Advisory Limited
Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor of Critical Minerals and Materials The University of Birmingham
There is little doubt that the increased electrification of transportation and energy systems will be a pivotal part of our society’s response to the challenges of climate change and the need to reduce pollution. The deployment of the electrical machines and energy-storage platforms required for this great transition, will depend entirely on access to a number of critical metals, and the robustness of their supply chains. Secondary production, through the re-use and recycling of components containing such metals, is an important part of the story, but the primary production of critical metals will continue to dominate for years to come. This talk focuses on the challenges faced by the primary critical-metals supply chain (using the example of rare-earth elements for the production of permanent magnets), and the part that it is has to play in meeting the technical and societal challenges of our age.
Further information regarding the speaker can be found on the programme page of the protect-eu.mimecast.com/s/w08dCLJgGUoMpGF50jXx?domain=bmeta.us5.list-manage.com" target="_blank">BMetA website. If you require more information, please email us bmeta.co.uk" target="_blank">[email protected]
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