Prof Kim H. Esbensen
Consultant & Professor, KHE Consulting
My professional mission is to show how representative sampling is a critical success factor behind reliable analytical results and defensible decision making in science, technology, industry and society. Sampling is the missing link, which cost dearly if not properly involved.
Through four decades as a scientist, technologist, researcher, educator and senior consultant, I am in a position today where KHE Consulting can offer fundamental value-added contributions to clients, businesses, corporations and organisations:
I add scientific insight and cutting-edge practice by involving TOS principles, methods and solutions that guarantee optimal, representative sampling of stationary lots and materials as well as technological process characterization & monitoring.
I help solve disruptive challenges and create optimal technology and business solutions, always insisting on the primacy of representativity.
I am known for superior communication skills and facilitating ability to collaborate cross-functionally at all levels: technicians & engineers, scientists, CTO’s, CEO’s.
I initiate and leverage appropriate technologies and forge operative relationships between my clients’ needs, KHE Consulting's services and other external competences where needed.
BACKGROUND: Two years in geochemical prospecting followed by 35 years as researcher and university professor, initiating and leading research groups at three universities and R&D institutions (HiT, Norway - AAU, Denmark - GEUS, Denmark). Financing R&D mainly by industry contacts (POPBL projects and bilateral contracts). Extensive teaching experiences (B.Sc. M.SC. Ph.D. levels) as well as via international visiting and guest professorships. Extensive consulting and industry interaction.
Full overview of activities 2015-2020, C.V. a.o. see website:
Recent milestones:
* Founder: World Conference on Sampling and Blending, WCSB (2003)
* Founder: TOS Forum (magazine & communication platform) (2013)
* Recipient: Pierre Gy Sampling Gold Medal (2015)
* Co-founder: International Pierre Gy Sampling Association (IPGSA) (2017)
* Textbook: “Multivariate Data Analysis (Chemometrics), ed. (2018)”
* Textbook: “Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Sampling (2020)”