Women in Science Promoting Energy Research (WISPER)

IOM3 Energy Materials Group is supporting this one-day meeting to celebrate Emerging Female Leaders in Energy, 'Women in Science Promoting Energy Research (WISPER)'.

The meeting will be held at the IOP headquarters, 37 Caledonian Rd, London N1 9BU, on 21 May 2025. The workshop will be an excellent opportunity for all career stages to discuss research and their experiences (both positive and negative!).

The day will include a keynote talk from Professor Dame Julia King, and 4 invited speakers (Dr Jess Wade, Prof Melanie Britton, Dr Clara Barker and Prof John Singleton), who as well as introduce their area of research, will answer the question of 'are things improving for women in energy research?' and highlight any initiatives.

There will be opportunities for early career individuals to present their work (6 talk slots and 50 poster slots are available). To submit for a talk or poster visit the event website.

The day will close with a roundtable discussion at the meeting featuring high-profile people Dr Connie Wang (Applied Materials), Prof Rachel Oliver OBE, and Emeritus Prof Valerie Gibson OBE, to discuss their career experiences.

Lunch and an evening catered reception will be provided.

The event will be free, thanks to the kind contributions from several sponsors:

  • IOM3 Energy Materials Group IOM3
  • University of Cambridge Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy
  • HI-ACT (Hydrogen Integration for Accelerated Energy Transitions)
  • Birmingham Energy Institute
  • The Faraday Institution
  • About:Energy
  • Agratas
  • Royce
  • AJA International
  • The Faraday Institution ReLiB
  • Almath
  • Applied Materials
  • AIP
  • Royal Society of Chemistry Energy Journals
  • Royal Society of Chemistry Energy Interest Group