WIM3 | Celebrating Women in Our Industries - Women Making Their Mark
The Women in Materials, Minerals and Mining (WIM3) group are celebrating 12+ years of promoting, motivating and inspiring women in our industries! Set within the timing of International Womens Day (March 8th), this in-person seminar is a celebration of having the first transition of back to back female Presidents of IOM3, and the keynote speech will be from the new IOM3 President Christine Blackmore. Come and hear what she has to say about her experiences and plans for the future.
We have speakers from various paths, backgrounds and career longevity to discuss their experiences. In addition, there will be a networking session (sponsored by James Walker) where there will be a formal and informal opportunity to meet and greet others in our professions, and get networking going across a wide range of IOM3 fields. Come and join us, you may get inspired and even meet a key contact for your career!