Sustainable Future Hong Kong 2023

Sustainable Future Hong Kong 2023 - Cancelled

It is with deep regret that IOM3 and IOM3 Hong Kong branch Organising Committee has to announce the cancellation of Sustainable Future Hong Kong 2023 conference which was due to take place on 24 & 25 November.

A 2-day conference featuring talks by prominent speakers from local industry and government departments across four sub-themes of great interest to the local/regional geotechnical, construction, energy, materials, waste and environmental communities.

Preliminary programme

24 November
8:30 Registration
9:00 Welcome message
Guy Bridges CEng FIMMM - Organising Committee
Opening Address
Dr Kate Thornton CEng CSci FIMMM - IOM3 President
Session 1 - Waste Management: Climate-friendly & Circularity
9:45 Keynote lecture
10:15 Tea break
10:45 Converting waste into resources: Transition to circular economy
Felix Lam - Head of Sustainability, Green Council
11:15 Uncovering the myth of transforming waste into useful resources
Norman Cheng - Business Development & Persormance Director, Veolia Hong Kong Limited
11:45 Turning waste into resources
Ir Prof Chi Sun Poon - Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
12:15 Q & A session
12:30 Lunch & Networking
Session 2 - Sustainable Infrastructure Planning & Engineering Design
14:00 Northern metropolis planning
14:30 Third runway
Kenneth Cheung - Senior Manager, Airport Authority Hong Kong
15:00 Sustainable Infrastructure Planning and Engineering Design for Land Supply Projects at Lantau
Ir Raymond Ip - Deputy Head (Works), Sustainable Lantau Office (SLO), Civil Engineering and Development Department, HKSAR Government
15:30 Tea break
16:00 Roundtable discussion
16:30 Closing remarks
16:45 End of Day 1
25 November
8:30 Registration
9:00 Welcome message
Session 1 - Low Carbon Construction Materials
9:05 Development and application of low carbon construction materials
Dr Dai Ji - Decarbonisation Director, China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited
9:35 Decarbonisation in the built environment and construction 
Prof Elvis Au BBS - Adjunct Professor, The University of Hong Kong
10:05 Tea break
10:35 Towards carbon neutrality in ready-mixed concrete industry
SK Wu - Alliance
11:05 Asphalt: Recycled aggregates/rubbers application
Prof Zhen Leng - Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
11:35 Towards carbon neutrality: Local initiatives in research and development of low carbon materials
Dr Ivan Sham - Chief Commercial Officer, Nano & Advanced Materials Institute (NAMI)
12:05 Q&A session
12:30 Lunch & Networking
Session 2 - Green & Renewable Energy
14:00 The roadmap for sustainable business and net zero carbon emissions
EurIng Henry K H Wang - G20/B20 Taskforce & Action Council
14:30 Smart and renewable energy at construction sites
Lawrence Poon - Head of Innovative Technology & CEO Advisor of Applied R&D, ASTRI
15:00 Tea break
15:30 TBC
15:45 Acceleration to carbon neutrality
Thomas Lui - Associate Director, Decarbonisation Architecture, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited
16:00 Smart city and electric vehicle in Hong Kong
Allan Lai
16:15 Q&A session
16:45 Closing ceremony
17:00 End of conference


Registration fees

  Early bird
(register by 19 October)
(from 20 October)
Delegate HK$ 1,950.00 (£196.00) HK$ 2,400.00 (£241.00)
Student/Early career HK$ 1,600.00 (£161.00)
Day delegate HK$ 1,250.00 (£126.00)
Poster entry HK$ 0.00

Payments will be made in British £ 

Day 1 speakers

Day 2 speakers


IOM3 members residing in Hong Kong are automatically members of IOM3 HK. IOM3 Hong Kong branch organises and assists with numerous conferences, regular technical meetings, training courses, seminars and local and overseas field trips. IOM3HK members are predominantly involved in geotechnical and civil engineering works and comprise engineering geologists, geotechnical engineers, tunnelling engineers, materials engineers, geologists and materials scientists.

IOM3HK organises meetings that provide informative talks on diverse subjects which contribute to continuing professional development for IOM3 members. Non-members are also welcome to attend.