Pre-Talk Race and Flight Simulator Experience followed by Modifying the Adhesion and Wettability of UHMWPE Fibres Using Plasma Treatment
The West of England Metals & Materials Association (WEMMA) are pleased to announce the details of their April walk on 10 April.
Dr Sikander will discuss his cutting edge research on UHMWPE fibers which are known for their high energy absorption but struggle to bond with thermosetting matrices due to their chemically inert surface. This talk explores how plasma treatment enhances adhesion by improving internal shear strength and wettability, leading to tronger more reliable composite materials.
Pre-Talk Race and Flight Simulator Experience (Open to Attendees)
Digital Engineering Gallery, Room 1Z005 (19:00 – 20:00)
Dr Usman Sikander, Advanced Manufacturing Technologist, School of Engineering, Room 3Z015 (20:00 – 21:00)
For those attending in person can licence plates for those travelling by car and any specific dietary requirements be sent to Kontantina Kanari
To register for this free event visit Eventbrite