Packaging Data - who, what, when, where?
Join IOM3, HMRC and Defra to understand what you need to know about the data reporting requirements for Extended Producer Responsibility and the Plastic Packaging Tax.
Legislation is requiring more and better data than the packaging sector has ever had to supply. In 2022, HMRC introduced the Plastic Packaging Tax, and this year Defra is bringing in new data reporting requirements as part of packaging Extended Producer Responsibility. These are different schemes requiring different datasets for different purposes.
The IOM3 Packaging Group realises that this can be confusing and daunting, so are hosting this joint webinar with data experts from HMRC and Defra to help members, their businesses, and the wider packaging community, to understand the differences and get to grips with what’s required.
Jude Allan and Margaret Bates from the IOM3 Packaging Group will be joined by Eleanor Coyne and Mark Palmer from HMRC, and Peter Collins and Natalie Aldridge from Defra.
The webinar will help to answer some of the core questions for each scheme and its requirements: who needs to submit data, what data is required, and when and where it needs to be reported.
As well as a live Q&A, we’ll be inviting questions in advance to help identify key themes and areas the packaging sector would like more clarity around. Please submit your questions when you register.
This webinar will focus on the data reporting requirements, if you’d like to know more about the policy objectives or find out whether you’re obligated, please use the links below in advance of the session:
Plastic Packaging Tax links:
Plastic Packaging Tax: Guidance collection
Recorded webinar about the introduction of Plastic Packaging Tax
Recorded webinar about Plastic Packaging Tax — admin and technical aspects.
Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging links:
Guidance Packaging waste: prepare for extended producer responsibility
Check if you need to report packaging data
Demonstration of Obligation Checker