Our Shared Understanding: Circular Economy in the Built Environment
This is a hybrid event. To reserve a ticket for online participation, please use the link at the bottom of this description. If you want to attend in-person, please reserve your ticket on this page.
What do we mean by the circular economy in the built environment? Why does it matter? How can we ensure that we get the maximum benefits for people and planet, not only from managing resources and products more effectively, but also by getting more value from the use of assets and systems that last for years?
From across the world, leading experts in both the built environment and circular economy sector have come together to identify the core concepts and principles that we hold in common across our diversity. Join us for the live launch of Our Shared Understanding to learn how this North Star can help to align policies, strategies and initiatives and accelerate the transition to a circular economy in the built environment.
After revealing the key insights that emerged in its highly collaborative development, a panel of experts will explore and discuss what it means to them and their organisations. The target audience is policymakers, business leaders and future leaders across the built environment - both those who know about the circular economy and those who don't.
Built Environment definition: The built environment is everything we’ve built – all the residential, industrial and commercial buildings and the hospitals, prisons and schools that make up our ‘social infrastructure’; all the networks for energy, transport, water, waste, telecoms and flood defences that make up our ‘economic infrastructure’, whether above or below ground; all the urban spaces and managed landscapes between and around buildings and infrastructure.
There are limited places in person so please book early to avoid disappointment.
Panellists include:
- Mark Enzer, Mott MacDonald / University of Cambridge (Chair)
- Melissa Zanocco, Infrastructure Client Group
- Martijn Lopes Cardozo, Circle Economy
- Ana Quintas, Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute
- Kiera Crowe-Pettersson, African Circular Economy Network / Big Circle Studios
If you would like to attend online, please register here.