Materials Matter @ Rolls Royce Bristol

We are delighted to be hosting our first Materials Matter event at Rolls-Royce plc in Bristol. This unique one-day conference is open to groups of year 12 students, and their teacher(s) and limited places are available.
The day will start with a special lecture on the materials used in aerospace applications at Rolls-Royce. The vast team of engineers and technicians at Rolls-Royce use a wide range of materials that operate under high temperature and stresses in some of the most safety critical applications. This will be followed by the chance to undertake two behind-the-scenes tours to find out more about the manufacturing and testing work that is carried out on site. Tours include the Bristol Turbines Facility, Assembly Facility, Liftworks, and the Failure Investigation & Non-destructive Evaluation laboratories. After lunch students will hear from and be able to ask questions of people in the early stages of their careers.
The theme of the event is linked to the A-level science and D&T curricula and will help to bring some challenging concepts to life.
Who is it for?
This event is for students in year 12 with an interest in STEM subjects who would like to find out more about materials, minerals and mining engineering. Schools are invited to bring a team of 7 students (maximum), accompanied by a member of staff.
Where will the event take place?
The conference will be held at the Rolls-Royce Bristol site and details of where to meet will be provided to schools that secure a place.
How do I book?
To register your interest in bringing a group along to the event please click the Book now button at the top of this page to receive the full information pack and full registration form.
Places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis to schools submitting a completed registration form.
If you have any questions or want to check availability, contact [email protected]
Can you help with our costs?
If you would like to bring a group of students along to this event but the cost of travel or cover prohibits you from being able to do this you could apply to our Education & Outreach Trust for a STEM Intervention Grant.