Machine Learning in Biomaterials


You are invited to join us to find out more about machine learning in biomaterials from four speakers. 


The interactive seminar will also provide the opportunity for Question and Answers and we often hang around at the end for a fun and engaging panel session. 

You will hear from: 

  • Prof Bikramjit Basu on Biomaterialomics: Convergence of Data Science with Biomaterials Science

  • Dr Grazziela Figueredo on AI for biomaterials discovery: past, present and future

  • Prof Markus J. Buehler on Deep learning approaches to assess damage mechanics in biological materials: From proteins to biocomposites

  • Dr Adam Gormley on Progress Towards a Self-Driving Biomaterials Laboratory


Preliminary Agenda

13:00 – Welcome & introduction by Sergio Gonzalez Sanchez
13:05 – Presentations
14:25 – Closing comments
14.30 – Close